I had to get back to this:
Here's the thing: That's my money, that's your money. Who the hell was that photo supposed to even be shown to? How was that picture going to make us safer, more prosperous, more free? The only way to fully determine just how venal and gratuitous this marginal error of a publicity stunt was is to show us the damned picture, and tell us precisely where it was going to be used. And then move the camera lens back, and tell us about the 10, 20, 200, 2,000 other idiotic photo ops that are being planned for this week, this month, and this year. Yes, it's a drop in the ocean compared to the trillions in bailout money and guarantees, but that's kind of the point: This is a president who promised to go through the crisis-year budgets "line by line" looking for savings (by which he mostly meant tax increases, but still). This is a president who campaigned daily on a pledge of unprecedented transparency in government.
... the Obama White House won't deign to release the photos generated by the are-you-outta-yer-MIND $328,000 flashback-inducing photo op above lower Manhattan is causing my internal inspector general to conclude that these people are themselves riddled with flaws. Check out irritating WH spokesman Robert "Smuggsy" Gibbs:
I've watched CNN. I didn't notice a lack of archival material from that flight.Yeah, tee-hee, yuk-yuk, YOU WASTED SIX FIGURES ON AN UTTERLY POINTLESS STUNT THAT WE NEVER WOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT HAD YOU NOT SENT MANHATTAN INTO A HEART-SWALLOWING PANIC, and so let's make a joke, next question.
Here's the thing: That's my money, that's your money. Who the hell was that photo supposed to even be shown to? How was that picture going to make us safer, more prosperous, more free? The only way to fully determine just how venal and gratuitous this marginal error of a publicity stunt was is to show us the damned picture, and tell us precisely where it was going to be used. And then move the camera lens back, and tell us about the 10, 20, 200, 2,000 other idiotic photo ops that are being planned for this week, this month, and this year. Yes, it's a drop in the ocean compared to the trillions in bailout money and guarantees, but that's kind of the point: This is a president who promised to go through the crisis-year budgets "line by line" looking for savings (by which he mostly meant tax increases, but still). This is a president who campaigned daily on a pledge of unprecedented transparency in government.
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