You would think that a 39 city protest involving thousands of people might warrant a national wire story, maybe a mention on cable news, but no. Reporters don't understand the issue and therefore they ignore it. Of course this can be said for most of the important issues that affect people's lives. Hence we get wall-to-wall coverage of the Obama daughter's educational preferences. Fiddling while Rome burns seems almost understated.

There was some local coverage (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and the Russians were all over it. Most of it misses the point, but what are you going to do? A few months ago this wasn't even an issue and many of us owe Ron Paul a considered debt of gratitude for raising it to prominence. Maybe one day, some reporter might even realize he's sitting on the biggest story of the last hundred years; the looting of the American people to the tune of 95% of our money's value.


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